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Vida Glow. Scaling a luxury beauty brand to take over the world.

Danish Chan

When every other beauty brand was trying to be famous for being radically inclusive and wellness, we turned to science to become performance beauty.

Real challenge

Vida Glow suffered what most scale ups suffer. Enthusiasm. Saying yes to every opportunity is in part what helped create one of Australia’s fastest growing beauty brands, but it also led to confusion and distraction, and wastage.

Vida Glow wanted to become a genuine beauty obsession, but when every brand was claiming the next miracle breakthrough, our message was just another “me-too” beauty brand promise.


When every other ingestible beauty brand looked to be a wellness brand, we created a ‘performance beauty’ brand, built for the modern woman unwilling to compromise between beauty and success.

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Danish Chan

→ Danish is one of the most awarded strategists in the world, having worked on some of the most iconic brands in the last decade including Virgin Atlantic, Coca Cola, and Volvo. Danish spent his career helping to make modern, connected strategy integral to world-class effective work. A co-founder of Untangld, and a founding partner of By The Network, Danish is also a regular judge at the Effies and WARC Global Effectiveness Awards and a contributor to popular industry rags.

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