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SXSW / The mandate of design thinking

by Rachel Bruins

When it comes to design thinking, embedding an iterative approach is crucial.

At a business level, it can be a knee-jerk reaction to jump straight into superficial solution mode – “Ah it’s simple! Just add a new button there and get it out the door”.

We’re likely all guilty of it: It’s such an easy trap to fall into, yet truly a fool’s errand to only address surface-level issues or symptoms of a problem. While it’s certainly a quick-to-market approach, it typically offers only temporary relief, as the root of the problem wasn’t tackled – potentially making it an even bigger issue in the long run.

The heart of design thinking is iterative in nature. It involves continuously revisiting and refining ideas and solutions. A part of this process is to keep solutions simple, practical, and focused on addressing the core issues. This process recognises that initial ideas are often imperfect and incomplete. Taking the time to do this allows designers to better understand users’ needs, preferences, and pain points.

The result? More effective and innovative human-centred design solutions that are appropriately aligned with users’ expectations.

Designer and product mindsets need to be anchored around this concept of continuous improvement because at the end of the day, what we’re designing now are the problems we’ll need to fix tomorrow.

Stop. Assess. Iterate.
This is the way.

Based on the panel discussion ‘Design Fast without breaking things’ at SXSW Sydney 2023.

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Rachel Bruins

→ Rachel’s expertise lies in driving customer-focused initiatives, with a strategic data-driven business mindset. With over 11 years in advertising and consulting roles, Rachel has acquired a unique skillet working across a diversified portfolio of clients and programs spanning across OOH, Experiential, Digital, Web, Personalisation, CX and UX. She’s had the opportunity to work on transformative brand programs such as the Honda portfolio, Samsung, Parmalat, Ripley’s, Amex, Smirnoff and more.

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