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Cada. Tapping into youth culture to create a new kind of entertainment brand.

James Needham

Becoming the #1 National Youth brand in the country by being unashamedly populist

5 min read

Setting the scene

Partnering with our talent friends at Universal Favourite we helped The Edge Radio rebrand to ensure it engaged the next generation of Australian youth.

Three fundamental shifts underpinned this:

  • Radio → National Youth Brand
    How do we evolve the brand to a multi-dimensional cultural touchstone for Australian youth?
  • Amplify culture → Create Culture
    How do we land and expand our national radio proposition to have a more integral role in shaping the cultural conversation over the next 2-3 years?
  • Niche leader → Mass cult
    As we broaden the brand’s relevance beyond geographies and channels, how do we give voice to Australia’s overlooked mainstream youth


The concept of CADA is more than just a place for music, but a curator of culture. Culture courses through every segment, every event, everything CADA talks about. It ebbs and flows each minute and day — a fluid and constant pulse of the latest, the relevant, the interesting, the talked about.

The commercial radio category is typically noisy and crass, fronted by a swathe of white, ageing hosts with clear political leanings. When it comes to the youth entertainment space, there’s not a lot out there that actually serves and reflects its audience and, when your community of listeners are largely working class and often ethnically diverse, representation is paramount. It was crucial to CADA to give a platform to those within the Hip Hop and R&B community and, in turn, allow their listeners to feel seen, heard and inspired.


CADA took the #1 spot on Sydney DAB for breakfast in under a year.

The Flex & Froomes’ #podcast hit 1 million downloads in 6 months. They received Bronze for Best New Podcast at the Australian Podcast Awards, and were listed in Vogue Australia’s “Best Podcasts By Women For Women” (just ahead of Michelle Obama!).

In addition to its video content hitting millions of views across TikTok, Instagram and YouTube,  CADA had a 13,000 audience increase from the first radio ratings. With 132,000 people listening to the station in survey one, then 142,000 people listening for survey two.

As the brand grows, its vision to create a media brand that resonates with youth audiences and supports both local and global talent at every stage of their career is being realised.

Audience increase
Audience connections
Prime Video See Where It Takes You

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James Needham

→ Over 20 years experience across APAC and the UK helping redefine some of the world’s most iconic and effective brands, and leading complex research and segmentation projects from Budget Direct, Big4, Crime Stoppers, RACV and CommBank.

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