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Flaus. The world's first eco-friendly, universally accessible, electric flosser.

Danish Chan

Flossing sucks. It’s boring, kinda gross, sometimes painful and a process that hasn’t changed in the two centuries since its invention. Flaus wanted to bring some enjoyment to an everyday chore and do right by the planet along the way.

3 min read

Setting the scene

Flaus is the first universally accessible electric flosser.

Based out of the US, this start-up was fully funded in under 3 hours, skyrocketing it to the top 1% of IndieGoGo campaigns of all time. But with a prototype in hand, Elli and Sam the two female co-founders of Flaus sought to invest in a brand that would drive growth and fame from day one. We partnered with our friends at Universal Favourite to help make this a reality. 

The Challenge

The bathroom cabinet has become fashion.

From Kendall Jenner’s oral care brand moon, to new brand success stories such as Mr. Bright, CocoFloss or Burst, not only was the bathroom getting crowded, it was increasingly a beauty category as opposed to a health one. 

The challenge for us was to create a unique brand that leveraged the boom of oral beauty without just blurring into the category of trendy millennial brands. 

The ugly truth

Eighty per cent of Americans know flossing regularly is important, but only 30% actually do it. The reason was simple. People hate flossing. It’s gross, uncomfortable, and actually bad for the planet. 

The strategy

Don’t act like another beauty brand and instead a tech brand. We would focus on how Flaus has reimagined oral health from something gross to something feel good. A technological revolution. 

Think Goop meets Tesla. 


Flaus won the SXSW speed pitch competition in the Health, Wellness and Wearables category, and garnered immediate credibility as a Dentist Recommended brand. 

In 2023 Flaus was recognised by FastCompany are a World Changing Idea.

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Danish Chan

→ Danish is one of the most awarded strategists in the world, having worked on some of the most iconic brands in the last decade including Virgin Atlantic, Coca Cola, and Volvo. Danish spent his career helping to make modern, connected strategy integral to world-class effective work. A co-founder of Untangld, and a founding partner of By The Network, Danish is also a regular judge at the Effies and WARC Global Effectiveness Awards and a contributor to popular industry rags.

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